We participate in the Business Council of VHIR


Specipig participated in the second meeting of the Business Council of the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) last 25th January. Chaired by Lluís Bassat, the council consists of 15 prominent representatives of the economic world, biotechnology and business that advise in the management and the Board of Trustees of the Institute and help identify opportunities, engage in joint projects and facilitate access to public and private resources.

In addition to Specipig, it is formed by representatives from the following companies and organisations: the Spanish Bioindustry Association (Asebio), the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies (Fenin), CataloniaBio & HealthTechBiocatEsteveFerrerMondragon HealthRoche DiagnosticsBanc SabadellLa Caixa Bank Foundation and the Association of Electronics, Information and Communications Technologies (AMETIC).

Since its creation in 1994, VHIR promotes and develops the biomedical research, innovation and teaching at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (HUVH), the hospital of Barcelona and the largest of Catalan Institute of Health (ICS). In the institute are working more than 1,300 people, of which over 1,200 doing research and others, around 100, help to do it or transfer it to the society.

More information on the VHIR website.