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  • Dental implant research

Dra Marta Leiva Repiso

“Always a pleasure to be able to apply my expertise in ophthalmology in the research projects developed at Specipig”


Associate Professor Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Dipl ECVO, PhD, DVM

Dra Leiva obtained the title of Veterinary Medicine from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 1998. After her internship in small animal medicine and surgery, she completed the European residency in Comparative Veterinary Ophthalmology at the UAB Veterinary Clinical Hospital Foundation.

In October 2005 she received the European Diploma of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ECVO) and joined the Ophthalmology Service of the Veterinary Clinical Hospital Foundation, where she has worked since then. In July 2008 she obtained her PhD degree with a thesis on “Ocular Findings in Neonatal Septic Foals”.

She has worked actively for the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, as a member of the Residency Committee, a member of the Review Committee and a member of the Executive Committee. She has been founding President of the AVEPA Ophthalmology Specialty Group from 2013-2017, President and founding member of the Spanish Panel on Hereditary Eye Diseases and has been training ECVO residents for more than 11 years. She is the author of more than sixty national and international publications and several chapters of books of recognized international prestige, she is a recognized speaker inside and outside our borders.

Her areas of interest are corneal surgery and diseases, ophthalmology in foals and ocular signs induced by infectious diseases. Currently, she works as an Ophthalmologist at the Veterinary Clinical Hospital Foundation, and as an associate professor in the Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery at the UAB.

Areas of expertise

• Corneal surgery and diseases

• Ophthalmology in foals

• Ocular signs induced by infectious diseases

Links of interest


Research UAB

Related projects

A Swine Model of Selective Geographic Atrophy of Outer Retinal Layers Mimicking Atrophic AMD