We’ll be at the SECAL congress explaining the genetics of the Specipig® minipig


As members of the Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Science (SECAL), Specipig will be part of the scientific programme at the first Iberian Congress for Laboratory Animal Science from 18 to 20 November in Caceres. SECAL is the most renowned society in the laboratory animal arena in the country.

The congress will feature some 300 experts and focus on promoting cooperation among researchers and technical personnel working in this area of bioscience throughout Spain and Portugal. It will also include activities to encourage new cooperative scientific projects between these two countries.

Elisabeth Izquierdo will present the Specipig oral poster Developing new animal model for biomedical research (Poster Presentation ID 138).

See programme

Photo: The congress will be held at the Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón