We have a great time hosting the #CataloniaBioBBQ 2017


On 20 July, over 300 entrepreneurs, investors and professionals from the health sector participated in the summer networking barbecue organised by CataloniaBio, the association of health and life sciences companies, at the Specipig facilities. The friendly and informal environment at this unique event in Catalonia promotes cooperation among companies as well as research centres and hospitals carrying out biomedical research of excellence.

During the event, the President of CataloniaBio, Ignasi Biosca, said that Catalonia, in particular the metropolitan area of Barcelona, which is home to a significant biomedical cluster, is currently experiencing a period of growth, which should be leveraged.

In this regard, Jaume Amat, CEO of Specipig and member of the Board of Directors of CataloniaBio, highlighted that biotech and medical technology companies are evolving and evidence of this is the fact that entire teams, from founding members and executives to experts, can be seen at the #CataloniaBioBBQ.

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For further information, please refer to the report on the CataloniaBio website.

Photo: © CataloniaBio – Anna Mas