Specipig inaugurates biomedical research facilities


Today, Specipig has inaugurated its facilities in El Prat del Llobregat (Barcelona) with Josep Maria Pelegrí, minister of Agriculture and Livestock for the Government of Catalonia, and Josep M. Monfort, managing director of the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA).

The company is a pioneer in selecting, breeding and marketing pigs for biomedical research and is held by BioemprènSemen Cardona and the IRTA. Specipig is currently breeding conventional pigs with a high standard of health for biomedical research centres, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and medical device firms. However, the company has also launched a genetic-selection programme aimed at creating its own line of minipigs under the brand Specipig®. This new line is being developed with the IRTA, through researchers in the Animal Breeding and Genetics programme.

The company is a pioneer in selecting, breeding and marketing pigs for biomedical research

The trend in the biomedical sector is to promote the use of pigs as animal models given their physical and physiological similarities with the human species.

The new Specipig facilities, located in a natural setting with good transport communications to the Barcelona metropolitan area and airport, feature SPF animal facilities and an analytical laboratory and operating room for in-house biomedical research.

Press release